
Poison ivy rash spreading
Poison ivy rash spreading

poison ivy rash spreading

Signs of a bacterial infection (pain, increased redness).If you’re having trouble breathing or swallowing.Swelling, particularly eyes that are swelling shut.Head to the doctor or hospital immediately if the following symptoms occur: Once you remove the clothing immediately put it in the washing machine and wash with hot water separately from any other clothing. You’ll also need to remove any clothing you were wearing that may have come into contact with the poison ivy leaves. Cold compresses can help you deal with the itchiness. Scratching can also lead to infection, by allowing bacteria to enter the skin. Keeping the itching under control is key in getting the rash to go away.

poison ivy rash spreading

The rash can go away on its own after a few weeks. Once the rash presents on the skin, it’s best to see a dermatologist to properly diagnose the rash and prescribe a steroid to help control the itchiness. This may help to remove some of the urushiol from the skin. Use cold and soapy water to clean the area that came in contact with the poison ivy and then dab the area with rubbing alcohol. This may help decrease the severity of the rash.


If you’re aware that you’ve come in contact with a poison ivy tree, the best defense is washing your skin right away. When the blisters from a poison ivy rash break, the fluid inside will not cause further outbreak, as that fluid does not contain the urushiol. The rash may appear as though it’s spreading, but in fact it could just be a delayed reaction to the initial contact with the plant. The infection can also be spread through contaminated clothing or via a pet. If you scratch other parts of your body, however, with fingernails that have the resin under them, then it is possible to spread the poison ivy rash. The skin must come in direct contact with the urushiol oil to become infected. The only way to spread poison ivy is by transferring the toxic oil with your fingers or clothing to other parts of your body. Many people believe that the poison ivy rash can easily spread from body part to body part, but this is actually false.


How to recognize poison ivy, oak & sumac Can poison ivy spread?

poison ivy rash spreading

The severity of the reaction depends on many factors, including the area on the body that was exposed, the patients’ sensitivity and the amount of time the person was exposed to the oil. The initial feeling of a poison ivy outbreak is redness and a tingling feeling. There could also be swelling of the area that came in contact with the plant. It will appear streaky and may become oozing blisters. The poison ivy rash itself is red, itchy and blistering. The poison ivy rash typically presents on the skin about 12 to 72 hours after the initial contact with the tree. The rash itself is typically not serious and will last from a few days to two weeks, with the worst symptoms occurring on days four through seven. Poison ivy rash itself is an allergic reaction and comes from the oil (named urushiol) found in plants called poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. Poison ivy rashes are very common, especially in the summer months, when more skin is exposed and many people are spending a lot of time outside.

Poison ivy rash spreading